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NEWS ALERT: conference session @ EGU 2024

Dear colleagues and friends of smart and innovative exploration :)

the program for next year’s European Geoscience Union (EGU) general assembly

is put together and the call for abstracts is open now.

We are happy to spread the word and invite you to our EGU session:

Advancing real-time resource exploration across scales

with the conveners: Margret Fuchs, Yuleika Madriz, Moritz Kirsch, Sandra Lorenz, and Sam Thiele

in the division ERE4.2.

We would love to discuss with you about your latest developments and innovative ideas on:

(i) non-invasive data collection,

(ii) real-time solutions for data processing and smart approaches for integrating sensors and methods

(iii)see beyond the visible and enhance information based on physics, math and learning.

For further information on the session and how to submit your abstracts, please visit the EGU website here:

or get into contact with us.

Let’s stay tuned

and hopefully see you at the upcoming EGU 2024.



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