The Helmholtz Imaging Platform had their 1st on-site networking event accompanied by their imaging contest. Images from Sam Thiele and René Booysen made it into the top 20 images selected by an international jury of experts.

Imaging enthusiasts and scientists from all research fields conducting research on imaging or are applying imaging techniques as users were invited to the Helmholtz Imaging Conference 2022. During the event, researchers were invited to submit any images that were the result of any imaging technique developed or applied at Helmholtz Centers.
" The awarding was based on scientific significance, originality, and artistic and/or visual impact..."
The awarding was based on scientific significance, originality, and artistic and/or visual impact of the image. Scientific aspects are e.g., exceptionality of the sample material, visualization of previously non-imaged objects or processes, novelty of application/method/imaging infrastructure, challenging characteristics of the underlying data, impact of the depicted research project, quality of the explanatory text. In short, Helmholtz Imaging was looking for images that are scientifically outstanding for a specific reason.
Top 20 images were selected from more than a 100 submissions by a jury of experts comprising international scientists, a photo artist, conference donators and coordinators of Helmholtz Imaging.
The image submitted by Sam Thiele entitled "Spectral Detective" made it into the experts' top 20 best images, while René Booysen's image entitled "Finding rare earth from space" won the 3rd prize in the Jury's choice award. Their images will form part of the traveling exhibition for Helmholtz Centers to showcase the imaging portfolio of the Helmholtz community. In addition, these images will be published as a Helmholtz Imaging calendar for 2023.