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TheiaX GmbH is a spin-off of the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF) part of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf e. V. (HZDR). From science and R&D through to commercial applications, our expertise combines hyperspectral imaging and machine learning technics providing the exploration and mining sectors with bespoke solutions.


Since the establishment of HIF in 2011, the Exploration department has been carrying out extensive research into the usage and application of hyperspectral technology as a rapid and non-invasive solution for the exploration and mining sector. With numerous R&D projects around the world, many of which are in collaboration with industry partners, the Exploration department’s know-how, has been ever-growing - be it from the usage and calibration of the tripod and drone-based hyperspectral systems through to drill-core hyperspectral imaging and the development of machine learning and data fusion workflows.


With significant requests from the industry, in 2019, the decision to proceed with the creation of a spin-off company was made and financial support from the Helmholtz Enterprise program granted. During its incubation period, TheiaX performed services via HZDR Innovation GmbH (HZDRI) – the daughter company of HZDR. In December 2021, the legal entity TheiaX GmbH was founded.

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